READ/SEE Anti-Spam Policy


When you agree to use our services, then you must accept the use of our services according to our Anti-Spam Policy below. When using our services, you also have to obey our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

If you use our services for spamming, then we will deactivate your account immediately. Furthermore, we will not accept your request for a refund of the amount that you have paid before.

What is Spam?

Spam/junk emails are commercial emails that are unwanted or needed by recipients, especially when you send bulk emails. An email is classified as an unwanted message because the recipient has not given any permission to receive the mail. The permission could be in form of a verification message. Bulk emails mean emails that are sent to a huge number of recipients. Spamming refers to any kind of transmission, distribution, or delivery of correspondences in form of unwanted commercial emails, in huge numbers, and sent through electronic communication media.

An electronic message is categorized as ‘spam’ if (A) the recipient’s personal identity is irrelevant to the context inside of the email because the mail is also sent to many other recipients, and (B) the recipient has not verified any actions related to driving the sending of the emails explicitly.

Read/See, as a customer data platform with an email marketing feature See has the ability to secure white-listed status as an Internet Service Provider. Therefore, we are seriously considering this Spam issue.

There are things that are not allowed in Read/See related to email lists:

  • The existence of email delivery to email recipients who have not given you permission to send an email.
  • Using email lists obtained from buying, renting, leasing, or by any means obtained from third parties.
  • Using email lists obtained from public data available online. If someone publishes their email address, it does not mean they want to get an email from you.
  • If you have yet to make contact with them within the last 2 (two) years, then the email list should not be used.
  • If you have yet to make contact with them within the last 2 (two) years, then the email list should not be used.
  • This is because these people may have changed their email address and most importantly they will not remember giving you permission to send an email.

If there is something you want to do, but you doubt whether it is allowed or not then please contact us. We'll be happy to help you.

Restricted Content

Don't use Read/See to send something offensive, advertise/promote illegal stuff, or do any kind of violence.

To maintain the credibility of our performance, we will not cooperate with some industries that are laden with complaints of higher-than-average harassment.

Policy Enforcement

Postal Address

You must provide a correct and accurate postal address that will be included in each email footer. You must maintain and promptly update this to ensure that the data used is complete and accurate. We will actively monitor all messages sent to verify that the sender information included in the message body is appropriate.


Each submitted email must include a link to unsubscribe or opt-out at the bottom of the message to actively update your subscriber list to avoid the possibility of sending unwanted emails to unsubscribed visitors. This unsubscription link can not be deleted or removed. We will automatically handle all unsubscribe requests on behalf of the customers.

Double-opt in Tools

We provide tools needed by customers to create a double opt-in list.

Import Email List

All imported email lists will be verified and tracked by our team. This is to prevent any third-party email address. Before importing an email list, make sure you have no non-specific addresses, such as,,,, or other addresses on the email list.


All email submission activities are monitored by our experienced team and if we find that you are emailing people without their permission, we will close your account immediately.

If There Are Any Violations to the Above Provisions, What Will Happen?

If we find that you are violating the above provisions, then you will receive some or all of the following actions as punishment:

We will deactivate your account immediately.

  • We will not refund any fees that you have paid in advance.

Possible actions we will take:

  • We may ask you for compensation if your spamming activity could cause any interruption to our services for other customers.
  • We may take legal action against you.

If there are any complaints given by your subscribers, then we will do the following actions:

  • If the complaint is referred to the account of the sender, then we will send a warning email to the account.
  • If there is still a complaint even though we had sent a warning email, then the account will be suspended by our team.

Note: We do not necessarily make any error decisions. We will investigate all sample messages of potential spam messages before making a final decision.

Read/See is only for businesses and organizations that already have opt-in email lists based on permissions from customers. We provide our products only for those who follow the rules. We have no tolerance for businesses violating our Anti-Spam Policy.

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