In Read/See Customer Data Platform, you can create various channels to engage with your audience through destinations.
Currently, one of the available categories in the platform is connect to Facebook Ads. With the help of this feature, you can easily connect and communicate with your customers through ads.
What you need to prepare
To utilize Facebook Ads as a destination, you need preparing these requirement:
Facebook Accounts
- App in Facebook Developer
- Facebook Business Manager account
Sample data which is contain:
- Phone (+62)
How to connect
Before you create Facebook Ads Audiences from data profiles on Read/See as a destination, you need to integrate it first. Here is step by step that you need to follow:
On the Destination page, select the Ads tab and then choose “Facebook Ads”
Click the Connect button
On this Connection Setting page you need ID and token. Here we also provide a way to get it
App ID:
Login to Facebook Developers, click My Apps
In the App list that has been made, select one then click App ID as shown in the picture
Secret ID:
Login to Facebook Developers, click My Apps
Select the App you want to use
In the sidebar, click Setting then select Basic.
In this section, click the Show button in the App Secret field
Enter the password and the Secret App will be obtained immediately
Access Token:
Login to Facebook Developers, click My Apps
Select the App you want to use
In the sidebar, select Marketing API then select Tools
In the Get Access Token section, select ads_management then click the Get Token button
Ads Account ID
Login to Facebook Business
In the sidebar, select All Tools and then select Audiences
In the right corner will appear your Facebook Business account as well as Ads Account
Click the "Next" button on Read/See
In this step you need to connect Facebook Developer with Facebook Business. If you have done this before, the status will automatically become Connected. If not, do the following:
Login to Facebook Business
In the sidebar, select All Tools and then select Audiences
Click the Business Settings button on the sidebar
In the Accounts section select Apps
Click the Add button, then select Connect an app ID and fill in the App ID that you can get on Facebook Developer
At this stage, Facebook Developer and Business should be connected. Please click the refresh icon to update the status
Then you need to make an agreement with Facebook Business. Click the "Accept Agreement" button. After you enter the Facebook page, click the Accept button.
Click the status icon to update it for use.
Click the Connect button
At this stage, if everything is correct, a success page will appear.
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